The Story and Vision of "Our Father Speaks"
"Our Father Speaks" is a vision that I have had for more than 10 years. I would like to tell you how this vision started and how it is being fulfilled at this very moment.
Many years ago I went to a Conference and picked up a little book by a well known pastor and author named Peter Lord. The name of the book is called “Our Father speaks through Hebrews.” The book ministered to me so much that I began to share it with everyone I knew. I ordered the books by the case and gave them away as a way to encourage and minister to others.
The last time I called to order a case I spoke with the author, Peter Lord personally. To my dismay he told me that he only had a few left and didn’t plan on publishing any more. I was devastated. As I shared with him what the book had come to mean in my life and how it had blessed so many others, he made me an offer.
He said that he would give me the rights to the book and that I could re-publish it myself. That way I could continue to bless others with the content. I was elated. Now I could continue to share the book and honor the author, Peter Lord, at the same time.
Friend, this book is truly anointed. Let me tell you a little bit about the book. It is written as if Our Father in Heaven is writing to us, His children, personally. Every short chapter starts out with “My Child.” Therefore, when you read each short devotion it is as if He (Your Father in Heaven) is personally speaking to you.
That brings me to the music. A couple of years ago, I had the thought that a good friend of mine who is anointed and gifted musically should start recording some music. Every Saturday morning we would go to the church that I was the pastor of, set up to record and let the Lord direct us with what was going to happen.
I’ll never forget that first session. As we set up to record, I felt the presence of the Lord so strong in the Sanctuary. Marc sat down at the piano and began to play. As he played you could tell that this wasn’t any ordinary recording session. The Lord’s presence was there.
The interesting thing is that as Marc would play, he would hardly ever look at the keyboard and rarely make a mistake. When I would ask him to play something again, it would never be the same. That is why I believe in my heart that it was the anointing. Marc couldn’t remember what he played or how he played it.
So every Saturday morning we would get everything set up to record. Then we would pray and ask the Lord to anoint the session and Marc would begin to play. We would never talk. Marc would play, I would record and then after an hour or more we would know that it was time to stop for that day.
We recorded more than 20 hours of music over a year’s time. We believe that they are to stay in their original form. Without anything added to them. In fact, when I went back and started listening to the music I couldn't turn it off. I would start the music and the Lord would begin to speak to my heart. Hours later I would be so filled with His peace and comfort. The only way I can explain it is to let you experience it for yourself.
Each day you will receive an email with a link to a new "Our Father Speaks" meditation. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to a web page like the one you are on right now. As you read each “Our Father Speaks” meditation, just imagine that your Father in Heaven is speaking to you personally and that He Himself has provided the music that will minister to you as He speaks to you. I believe that as you read each meditation and listen to the music that you truly will feel the presence of the Lord and hunger to know Him more.
I don't understand it all. But I know in my heart that these anointed meditations coupled with some of the most anointed music I've ever heard has been entrusted to me for a purpose. I believe that purpose is YOU. It is my personal belief that you truly will hear your Father speak to you and that you will get to know Him like you've never known Him before as you spend time meditating through these passages of "Our Father Speaks."
In fact, I believe that you will want to forward these meditations to everyone you know so that they can feel the same presence of the Father that you are going to feel. I believe that you will want everyone you know to know Him in the same way that you will learn to know Him.
Make sure that you have your speakers turned up before you start reading each meditation.
One last thing. Don't be in a hurry as you go through the meditations. Once you finish reading the meditation for the day then read His promises to you. Then just let the music keep playing and sit quietly. It will be during those moments that you will hear the Father speak to your heart specifically about your life.
I mean, wouldn't you like to know why you were created? What your purpose is? What decisions you are to make? Well, who better to ask than the One who created you, your Father!
I'm so excited for you. I know that you are getting ready to experience one of the most wonderful blessings you have ever known; the privilege of knowing your Father in Heaven in a more personal manner.
So, all that being said, my vision is that "Our Father Speaks" will allow everyone in the world to experience the wonderful presence of their Father in Heaven and enjoy a personal relationship with Him. It is my prayer that, through these meditations, you will learn WHO your Father is, HOW MUCH He loves you and ALL that He has done to make FULL provision for every need in your life.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I share “Our Father Speaks” with you.
I ask that you help me with this vision by sharing these meditations with everyone you know. Every meditation will have a SUBSCRIBE box for your family and friends to subscribe to "Our Father Speaks" themselves. I believe that with your help, we will soon see the fulfillment of the vision of everyone in the world experiencing the Father's love and wonderful presence through "Our Father Speaks".