The Word of God says in Matthew 9:35-38, “Jesus went throughout all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every sickness and disease. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
It also says in Matthew 28:19 that the Lord has commanded us to go. But where? EVERYWHERE! The great commission that Jesus gave before he left included all men, everywhere.
The "Our Father Speaks" mission is to share the love of the Father to a hurting world. Not judging anyone in the flesh but after the heart of the Father. I have felt the Father’s love, compassion and mercy. It is our desire that everyone in the world have the opportunity to feel His love in the same way.
It is the anointing that breaks down that wall that people build around themselves. When the Father can express His love through us then the world will be attracted to His love. It is not us, but who is working in and through us. That is what the world longs for. When they feel that, then somehow they will know in their heart that there really is a God who loves them and created them for a purpose.
It is our hope that “Our Father Speaks” will express the Fathers love in a real and personal way to a hurting world. It is our belief that we will see a great harvest through these daily personal messages. I trust that through “Our Father Speaks” that others will learn how to recognize their Father’s voice and what He has to say concerning them specifically.
Our Father in Heaven is a God of love. His grace and mercy is more than we can comprehend. He loves everyone in this world and desires to have a personal relationship with each and every one. It is our goal to make sure that everyone in the world knows that.
It also says in Matthew 28:19 that the Lord has commanded us to go. But where? EVERYWHERE! The great commission that Jesus gave before he left included all men, everywhere.
The "Our Father Speaks" mission is to share the love of the Father to a hurting world. Not judging anyone in the flesh but after the heart of the Father. I have felt the Father’s love, compassion and mercy. It is our desire that everyone in the world have the opportunity to feel His love in the same way.
It is the anointing that breaks down that wall that people build around themselves. When the Father can express His love through us then the world will be attracted to His love. It is not us, but who is working in and through us. That is what the world longs for. When they feel that, then somehow they will know in their heart that there really is a God who loves them and created them for a purpose.
It is our hope that “Our Father Speaks” will express the Fathers love in a real and personal way to a hurting world. It is our belief that we will see a great harvest through these daily personal messages. I trust that through “Our Father Speaks” that others will learn how to recognize their Father’s voice and what He has to say concerning them specifically.
Our Father in Heaven is a God of love. His grace and mercy is more than we can comprehend. He loves everyone in this world and desires to have a personal relationship with each and every one. It is our goal to make sure that everyone in the world knows that.