The Mission of "Our Father Speaks"
The Word of God says in Matthew 9:35-38, “Jesus went throughout all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every sickness and disease. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
It also says in Matthew 28:19 that the Lord has commanded us to go. But where? EVERYWHERE! The great commission that Jesus gave before he left included all men, everywhere.
In order for one to understand the mission of “Our Father Speaks”, I would like to share a part of my journal that the Father spoke to me specifically about my purpose.
“Joseph, the world has seen many who were just waiting for someone to love them and care for them. But when no one does many feel abandoned, useless and not wanted. Their hearts become hardened because they don’t want to feel the rejection and the pain. Therefore, they build a wall around themselves that is sometimes hard to penetrate. Flesh cannot penetrate that wall but my Spirit can.
I will never lead you to a field where there is not something to harvest. I don’t send you with a heart of destruction to scatter the fruit and leave it to ruin. I send you with my love and compassion. All you need to do is listen to my voice; I will lead you. My Spirit will do the work.
Please don’t judge anything in your flesh. If you do, you might leave some of the fruit because you think it’s already beginning to ruin, or that it doesn’t look very ripe, or maybe you just don’t like the fruit. I want you to know Joseph that I created it all. My life is in EVERY seed. I caused it to grow and I made it (like everything I make) for a purpose. It might not know why, but it does have a purpose.
You have searched long for your purpose and you’ve known me many years. You are just now beginning to see what I created you for. And by-the-way, I never make a mistake. If you ever find your purpose you will never be the same.
Listen, what are you striving for? You will not have to strive in my purpose. Only take my hand and let me lead you. WILL YOU? I promise I will not lead you wrong. See, this is my desire for all of my children.
Joseph, it is your nature to go after that one little piece of fruit. You like to gather what is already on the ground and maybe pick a few from the tree. Your tendency is to only take what you can use. But in that process some of the fruit is left and never gets picked. I want you to begin looking at all the fruit and gather it all. Every piece of fruit is important to me, so gather it all.
Joseph, my will and purpose for your life is not toilsome. I’ve placed everything in you that you need to do my will. All of the gifts and talents, when used by my Spirit that is in you, and given over to me will bring you the ultimate peace, joy and fulfillment as you walk in my purpose. JUST TRUST ME!
I will lead you and guide you. I will show you where to walk. What to say. What to do and when to do it. My anointing is on you for a purpose. Walk in that!
There will be much fruit that I will send you to harvest. When the time is right you will know it. You don’t have time to build any barns. Just go gather the fruit and place them in my barns. I will do the rest.
I love you Joseph and I will be with you in everything that you do. There are many things that you are worried about. Did I not say “Cast all your care upon me for I care for you.” Well….don’t worry about the past and don’t worry about the future. I’ll take care of that. Only live today in my presence. You are my child and I will take care of you. It is my responsibility.
You only need to obey me and do as I say. I will not disappoint you. Family, friends and associates will let you down and disappoint you but I will not. Follow me, praise me, worship me and honor me. The best is yet to come.
I give you all my love,
Your Father who awaits you”
Do you know why I am so thankful for those words that my Father spoke specifically to me? Because I know that He knows my name and cares about me. But guess what? He does not love or care about me more than anyone else. He loves us all the same. He knows us all by name. Yes, he’s concerned about everything that goes on in each of our lives. I’m just thankful that I have learned how to recognize His voice. Not audibly, but in my Spirit. Yes, you can know when He is speaking.
Friend, our mission is to share the love of the Father to a hurting world. Not judging anyone in the flesh but after the heart of the Father. I have felt the Father’s love, compassion and mercy. It is my desire that everyone in the world have the opportunity to feel His love in the same way that I have.
It is the anointing that breaks down that wall that people build around themselves. When the Father can express His love through us then the world will be attracted to His love. It is not us, but who is working in and through us. That is what the world longs for. When they feel that, then somehow they will know in their heart that there really is a God who loves them and created them for a purpose.
Somehow, “Our Father Speaks” has been anointed as a vehicle to express the Fathers love in a real and personal way to a hurting world. It is my belief that we will see a great harvest through this tool. I know that the Lord was speaking to me personally when He gave me what you just read. These words have changed my life and given me hope when I wanted to give up. I trust that through the “Our Father Speaks” Devotional Series that others will learn how to recognize their Father’s voice and what He has to say concerning them specifically.
My Father in Heaven is a God of love. His grace and mercy is more than I can comprehend. All I know is that He loves everyone in this world and desires to have a personal relationship with each and every one. It is our goal to make sure that everyone in the world knows that.
Our mission is to join hands with all of those who are diligently working to gather the harvest into the kingdom of God and to help provide support to their ministries.
Our Father Speaks