"These things I write unto you, "John says, "that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ." 1 John 1:3
Was this a truth to be memorized, preached about, decoupaged, studied or analyzed? For years this is what I did. Then by His grace, I entered into the experience of fellowship with our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Only those who have tasted this fellowship, communion, and communication with their God and Father know the precious, personal nature of it.
These devotionals are a record of my fellowship as I sat at His feet and listened to His words. The devotions are part of what Holy Spirit said to me as I meditatively read the Book of Hebrews. They are in no way to be equated with Holy Scripture. They were received by a growing Christian who still needs to hear in a much clearer way.
I never come from these times with Him discouraged. I am lifted by His presence, and His word. I trust they will be a blessing to you, but more than that, an encouragement to enter His presence by faith, to sit at His feet and to be guided into all truth, and experience amazing grace.
Peter Lord
Author of "Our Father Speaks through Hebrews"
Was this a truth to be memorized, preached about, decoupaged, studied or analyzed? For years this is what I did. Then by His grace, I entered into the experience of fellowship with our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Only those who have tasted this fellowship, communion, and communication with their God and Father know the precious, personal nature of it.
These devotionals are a record of my fellowship as I sat at His feet and listened to His words. The devotions are part of what Holy Spirit said to me as I meditatively read the Book of Hebrews. They are in no way to be equated with Holy Scripture. They were received by a growing Christian who still needs to hear in a much clearer way.
I never come from these times with Him discouraged. I am lifted by His presence, and His word. I trust they will be a blessing to you, but more than that, an encouragement to enter His presence by faith, to sit at His feet and to be guided into all truth, and experience amazing grace.
Peter Lord
Author of "Our Father Speaks through Hebrews"
Interview with Peter Lord
This is an interview that I conducted with Peter Lord when I went to be with him in Titusville, Florida. Pastor Lord shares how he came to write the journals that make up the "Our Father Speaks" Devotional Series. I know that you will enjoy him sharing his heart in this personal interview.
"How to Journal" by Peter Lord
This is a PDF Booklet written by Peter Lord, the author of "Our Father Speaks through Hebrews. " We would like to make it possible for you to learn how to journal during your personal time with the Father. I believe you will find this PDF Booklet a tremendous help.

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